Oil Tank Sweep
Oil Tank Sweep

Oil Tank Property Scan (Oil Tank Sweep)

If we have access, we will inspect inside the house where the furnace is (originally was) and look for evidence of old copper distribution lines. We don't need to go inside the property, but it does help us identify any old evidence.

We then will perform the property scan (sweep) by walking the outside property as if we were cutting the grass. We will also be looking for any old Vent pipes or Fill pipes. Our machinery reads down about 5-7 feet under the surface. If any anomalies are found, they will be documented, and an exploratory dig will be suggested in order to determine what object is setting off our machinery.

Please make sure all vehicles are moved out the driveway/ anywhere on the property (so we can scan under there), and that gates to get into the side yard or backyard are not pad locked, and we are able to open them.

Front Porches and Decking are able to be scanned depending upon the location and height.


*Ask about First Responder/ Military Discounts

*Loyalty Discounts for using our services multiple times

Exploratory Dig

An Exploratory Dig is done when an area of concern (AOC) is identified from an oil tank property scan (oil tank sweep). A dig is done to identify what object is setting off our machinery. Our machinery picks up metal, so the objects found could be oil tanks, old septic tanks, gray water tanks, dry wells, or buried scrap metal.

If there is a metal anomaly on the property that you are looking to purchase, we would recommend determining what that is, before closing. Oil tanks can be anywhere on the property- front yard, side yards, or backyard. Typically, they are with 15-20 feet of the original furnace, BUT we have found them way further than that. Again, better safe than sorry.

Exploratory Digs are done by hand, with shovels- no machinery is used. We cut off the top layer of grass and dig a hole about the size of an extra-large pizza pie. We dig down until we can put eyes on the object and identify it.


GPR (Ground Penetrating Radar)

GPR is used to scan an area in which our high-power metal detector cannot see through. For example, a sidewalk in Jersey City with rebar in it, or a driveway that is reinforced with rebar.

It can also be used instead of doing an Exploratory Dig. This would be beneficial for cases where an AOC (area of concern) is located under a driveway or walkway. Instead of busting up and putting a hole in the concrete, asphalt, or pavers, a GPR can be used to see what object is located underground.


Oil Tank Removals

We do not do the actual underground oil tank removals, but we refer out and use a handful of reputable companies throughout the state. Contact us for referrals.

Quotes will include permits and the physical removal.

Cost has to be quoted

Get a Quote/ Schedule Now

Email: oiltankscanNJ@gmail.com
Call or Text: 732-673-1584